Free Practice Test 6

83 votes, 4.7 avg

Practice Test 6

Total attempts: 70715

Average score: 78%


1 / 20

What is the core of Australian value which underpins our democratic system?

2 / 20

What kind of policy can you raise with your elected representative in case you have a problem?

3 / 20

What must be avoided during a protest?

4 / 20

What shall be practised when a group of people express their dissent and appeal to the government or an organisation?

5 / 20

After what settlement when Australia was made up of self-governing British colonies?

6 / 20

What was discovered in the colonies of New South Wales and Victoria in 1851?

7 / 20

Who were the first large group of migrants that came to New South Wales and Victoria that are not from Europe?

8 / 20

What type of freedom is when a group of people can freely gather with others and protest against the government or a particular organisation?

9 / 20

What is the official national religion of Australia?

10 / 20

What began in 1851 in New South Wales and Victoria colonies?

11 / 20

Where was the gold discovered during the "gold rush"?

12 / 20

What is expected from all Australians?

13 / 20

How should all Australian treat one another?

14 / 20

What is a system that is based on the principle wherein every individual has rights and equality under Australian law regardless of their background?

15 / 20

What kind of freedom is when Australians are allowed to join any religion or religious group they want to?

16 / 20

What is the system that focuses on treating each other with equal dignity and respect regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, race, country of origin, wealth, religion, culture, and alike?

17 / 20

What year did the "gold rush" began?

18 / 20

What kind of colony do the Australians have way back 1901?

19 / 20

Who can consider the citizen's suggestion about a law that needs to be amended?

20 / 20

What year is when Australia was made up of six separate and self-governing British colonies?
