Free Practice Test 5

139 votes, 4.5 avg

Practice Test 5

Total attempts: 106149

Average score: 78%


1 / 20

What countries did the free settlers come from?

2 / 20

What is illegal and is against Australian values and law?

3 / 20

What will happen if you do not have a valid reason for not voting?

4 / 20

Who was the first Governor of the New South Wales colony?

5 / 20

What kind of process does the Australian adhere to when it comes to change?

6 / 20

What influential factors did the British and Irish contributed to Australia?

7 / 20

Where did the early free settlers come from?

8 / 20

What is not allowed in the freedom of association?

9 / 20

What kind of freedom is it when people are free to leave or join any group willingly for as long as it is within the law?

10 / 20

How is a change to occur from an Australian perspective?

11 / 20

What kind of freedom is it when people are free to join political group, religions, trade union, social and cultural group in Australia?

12 / 20

Whom can you contact in case you have a concern to raise about the government policy?

13 / 20

What is the perspective of Australian about change?

14 / 20

Who is allowed to know whom you have voted for?

15 / 20

What do Australians believe in?

16 / 20

What is the way to ensure that all Australian citizens have a say in who will represent and govern in the parliament?

17 / 20

What kind of organisation are Australians allowed to join?

18 / 20

Who are allowed to raise their issues about government policy?

19 / 20

What do Australian's reject when it comes to change a person's mind and perspective?

20 / 20

Which heritage has had a major influence on Australia's recent history?
