Free Practice Test 47

22 votes, 5 avg

Practice Test 47

Total attempts: 15054

Average score: 86%


1 / 20

What is not allowed in the freedom of association?

2 / 20

Aside from the judges, who are also independent of the government?

3 / 20

Which is the capital city of the Australian Capital Territory?

4 / 20

Which among here is a responsibility of being an Australian citizen?

5 / 20

What kind of organisation are Australians allowed to join?

6 / 20

Whose job is it to protect the life and property of all people?

7 / 20

What is illegal and is against Australian values and law?

8 / 20

What kind of freedom is it when people are free to leave or join any group willingly for as long as it is within the law?

9 / 20

This is one of the responsibilities of being an Australian citizen

10 / 20

What is the name of the territory that lies between Sydney and Melbourne?

11 / 20

Who is the one explaining the law to the jury?

12 / 20

Which are the icons of Tasmania?

13 / 20

Who do you defend in case the situation calls for it?

14 / 20

Where in Australia do you find unspoilt wilderness landscapes?

15 / 20

Who decides the penalty in a criminal trial if the person is found guilty?

16 / 20

Where do you serve if you called to do so?

17 / 20

Which is Tasmania's capital city?

18 / 20

What kind of freedom is it when people are free to join political group, religions, trade union, social and cultural group in Australia?

19 / 20

Who are the ones maintaining the peace and order in the community?

20 / 20

Being an Australian citizen, what categories can you vote for?
