Free Practice Test 48 /20 34 votes, 4.7 avg 22856 Time ends. Practice Test 48 Total attempts: 22856Average score: 81% 1 / 20 What kind of freedom is when Australians are allowed to join any religion or religious group they want to? Freedom of association Freedom of speech Freedom of religion Australia has no official national religion, and people in Australia are free to follow any religion they choose.(Source: Page 35 - Freedom of religion, Our values, Australian Values, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 2 / 20 What is compulsory for an Australian citizen? To visit Bali every year To collect rare stamps To vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendum As an Australian citizen you can:vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendumapply for children born overseas to become Australian citizens by descentapply for a job in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Forceseek election to parliamentapply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freelyask for consular assistance from an Australian official while overseas.(Source: Page 20 - Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 3 / 20 Which is the capital city of the Northern Territory? Perth Canberra Darwin Darwin is the capital city of Northern Territory.(Source: Page 11 - The territories , Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 4 / 20 Who has the rights to arrest people whom they believe have broken the law and take them to the court of law? Police Lawyers Judge If the police believe that someone has broken the law, they can arrest them and bring them before a court of law. 5 / 20 What are the renowned icons and places in Northern Territory? Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon Cradle Mountain, Port Arthur, and the Bay of Fires Australian Capital Territory Northern Territory icons include Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon.(Source: Page 11 - The territories , Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 6 / 20 Who deals with crimes under the state and territory laws? States and Northern Territory police Federal judge Judiciary system The states and the Northern Territory have their own police forces. They deal with crimes under state and territory laws. 7 / 20 Where is the Parliament House and High Court of Australia located? Sydney Canberra Melbourne Several national institutions are located in Canberra, including Parliament House and the High Court of Australia.(Source: Page 11 - The territories , Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 8 / 20 Who can provide evidence but the court will be the one to decide if the person is guilty or not? Jury Australian people Police The police may give evidence in court, but the court decides if a person is guilty or not. 9 / 20 As an Australian citizen, what can you apply for if your child is born overseas? Australian citizenship by adoption Australian citizenship by conferral Australian citizenship by descent As an Australian citizen you can:vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendumapply for children born overseas to become Australian citizens by descentapply for a job in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Forceseek election to parliamentapply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freelyask for consular assistance from an Australian official while overseas.(Source: Page 20 - Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 10 / 20 Who have their own police forces? Federal government Australian Parliament States and Northern Territory The states and the Northern Territory have their own police forces. They deal with crimes under state and territory laws. 11 / 20 Who performs the Welcome to Country cultural practice? Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander custodian The Australian community The People A Welcome to Country is a cultural practice performed by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander custodian of the local region, welcoming visitors to their traditional land.(Source: Page 12 - Traditions, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 12 / 20 What shall be practised when a group of people express their dissent and appeal to the government or an organisation? Violent confrontation Peaceful protest Forceful methods This means they must be peaceful, and must not injure any person or damage property.(Source: Page 35 - Freedom of association, Our values, Australian Values, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 13 / 20 What is the national police of Australia called? Australian Defence Force Australian National Police Australian Federal Police Australia also has a national police force called the Australian Federal Police (AFP). 14 / 20 What is the official national religion of Australia? None Christianity Buddhism Australia has no official national religion, and people in Australia are free to follow any religion they choose.(Source: Page 35 - Freedom of religion, Our values, Australian Values, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 15 / 20 As an Australian citizen, what type of employment can you apply for? A job in Australian Public Office or in the Australian Defence Force A job in the United Nations A job in the European Parliament As an Australian citizen you can:vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendumapply for children born overseas to become Australian citizens by descentapply for a job in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Forceseek election to parliamentapply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freelyask for consular assistance from an Australian official while overseas.(Source: Page 20 - Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 16 / 20 The cultural practice presented by an Aboriginal or the Torres Strait Islander custodian of the local region to welcome the visitors to their traditional land is? Welcome to Australia Welcome to Nation Welcome to Country A Welcome to Country is a cultural practice performed by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander custodian of the local region, welcoming visitors to their traditional land.(Source: Page 12 - Traditions, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 17 / 20 As an Australian citizen, what can you do in relation to participating in government? Seek election to parliament Purchase property overseas Start a private business As an Australian citizen you can:vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendumapply for children born overseas to become Australian citizens by descentapply for a job in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Forceseek election to parliamentapply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freelyask for consular assistance from an Australian official while overseas.(Source: Page 20 - Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 18 / 20 What must be avoided during a protest? Peaceful demonstrations Injuries and damaging of properties Expressing opinions This means they must be peaceful, and must not injure any person or damage property.(Source: Page 35 - Freedom of association, Our values, Australian Values, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 19 / 20 What type of freedom is when a group of people can freely gather with others and protest against the government or a particular organisation? Freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom of association Australians can gather freely with others, including to protest against a government action or an organisation.(Source: Page 35 - Freedom of association, Our values, Australian Values, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) 20 / 20 What amongst the choices are your privilege of being an Australian citizen? Obey the laws of Australia Apply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freely Vote during elections As an Australian citizen you can:vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendumapply for children born overseas to become Australian citizens by descentapply for a job in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Forceseek election to parliamentapply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freelyask for consular assistance from an Australian official while overseas.(Source: Page 20 - Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond) Facebook 0% Restart test Send feedback Previous Test Next Test