Free Practice Test 8

67 votes, 4.6 avg

Practice Test 8

Total attempts: 55968

Average score: 76%


1 / 20

When was parliament established in Australia?

2 / 20

What is it called if people can freely criticise and protest peacefully against the decision of the government?

3 / 20

When did the Commonwealth of Australia was formed?

4 / 20

What could be the consequences of engaging in polygamy or forced marriage in Australia?

5 / 20

What was the population of Australia in 1901?

6 / 20

When did the British colonies unite?

7 / 20

What kind of freedom is it when people can express their views through art, film, music, and literature?

8 / 20

What was the progressive occurrence wherein Australia's national identity is gradually recognised?

9 / 20

What kind of freedom allows Australian to campaign to change the laws for as long as they are still obeying Australian laws?

10 / 20

What core value allows Australian to discuss, speak, write, and discuss what's on their mind with other people?

11 / 20

What year did the national democratic institutions got established?

12 / 20

Whose Constitution was established in 1901?

13 / 20

What is it called when a group of people can peacefully protest against the government whilst still adhering to Australian laws?

14 / 20

How did Australian culture develop?

15 / 20

What is the term used to described united colonies that were turned into a federation of states?

16 / 20

When was High Court established in Australia?

17 / 20

Who must be provided with equal opportunity to pursue their interests and goals regardless of where they came from or what religion they belong to for as long as they follow Australian laws?

18 / 20

What is unacceptable in Australian society?

19 / 20

Who values equal rights of everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, race, ethnic or national origin?

20 / 20

What religious or cultural practices is illegal and against the Australian law, which may result in several legal penalties?
