Free Practice Test 50

70 votes, 4.8 avg

Practice Test 50

Total attempts: 38079

Average score: 77%


1 / 20

What kind of violence involves hitting, isolating the family members from other relatives and friends, threatening children or pets?

2 / 20

What kind of violence includes behaviours or threats that intends to control a partner by inflicting danger and fear of their safety?

3 / 20

What do you need to have to drive a car in Australia?

4 / 20

What is the responsibility and privilege expected from 18 years old and above Australian citizens?

5 / 20

Who can deliver the Acknowledgement of Country?

6 / 20

What kind of ceremony is delivered as amongst the part of the Welcome and Housekeeping at events and meetings?

7 / 20

What is an important responsibility, right, and privilege given to all Australian citizens aged 18 years old and above?

8 / 20

What is an opportunity to recognise that the gathering will occur on Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander land and pay respects to the Traditional Custodians and peoples in attendance?

9 / 20

Why are Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country performed?

10 / 20

What could be the consequences of engaging in polygamy or forced marriage in Australia?

11 / 20

What is required for everyone travelling to instill safety?

12 / 20

For which election can you vote as an Australian citizen?

13 / 20

Who are the ones controlling the road and traffic rules?

14 / 20

What religious or cultural practices is illegal and against the Australian law, which may result in several legal penalties?

15 / 20

What is the advantage of voting in Australia?

16 / 20

Voting is a responsibility or a privilege?

17 / 20

What is unacceptable in Australian society?

18 / 20

During meetings and events, who delivers the Acknowledgement of Country?

19 / 20

Who must be provided with equal opportunity to pursue their interests and goals regardless of where they came from or what religion they belong to for as long as they follow Australian laws?

20 / 20

Who values equal rights of everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, race, ethnic or national origin?
