Free Practice Test 38

37 votes, 4.9 avg

Practice Test 38

Total attempts: 20431

Average score: 80%


1 / 20

Which amongst the choices is the responsibility of the Australian Government?

2 / 20

What underpins our democratic system?

3 / 20

What kind of liberty allows people to say and write what they think and discuss their ideas with other people?

4 / 20

Which amongst the choices is the responsibility of the state and territory governments?

5 / 20

What kind of tradition focuses on looking out for each other and strengthening the community?

6 / 20

What is the core value of Australians?

7 / 20

What is not an example of mateship?

8 / 20

When was separate colonies united into a federation of states?

9 / 20

Which of the following is not the responsibility of the Australian Government?

10 / 20

A federation of states is called

11 / 20

When did separate colonies got united into the Commonwealth of Australia?

12 / 20

Which of the following is not the reponsibility of the state and territory governments?

13 / 20

When did the Australia's population more than doubled?

14 / 20

What year did the Commonwealth of Australia got established?

15 / 20

What is an example of mateship?

16 / 20

What is the main difference between the three levels of government?

17 / 20

What kind of tradition in Australia is influential in the spirit of mateship?

18 / 20

What does the tradition of community service and volunteering are for?

19 / 20

What kind of freedom underpins the Australian democratic system?

20 / 20

What kind of freedom enables people to discuss their ideas with other people?
