Free Practice Test 30

39 votes, 4.9 avg

Practice Test 30

Total attempts: 29568

Average score: 80%


1 / 20

Who are the ones allowed to vote, stand for parliament, join the Australian Defence Force, and are treated equally in the courts of law?

2 / 20

What are the national colours of Australia?

3 / 20

How do you support the government in providing important services to the Australian community?

4 / 20

What is allowed in marriage under the laws of Australia?

5 / 20

What kind of infrastructure is funded by taxes?

6 / 20

What is the House in the Australian Parliament that is also called the House of Review?

7 / 20

What is the colour of the Commonwealth Star in the Commonwealth Coat of Arms?

8 / 20

What is the purpose of Australian laws about gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, race, or national or ethnic origin?

9 / 20

Which statement is true?

10 / 20

What measures are in place in Australia to prevent individuals from being treated unfairly by others?

11 / 20

What is the background in the Commonwealth Coat of Arms?

12 / 20

What do the Members of Parliament and senators debate for?

13 / 20

What services are funded by collected taxes in Australia?

14 / 20

Who has equal access to education and employment?

15 / 20

Who considers, debates, and votes on proposals for the new laws, changes to the laws, and discusses the national importance matters?

16 / 20

How are collected tax spent?

17 / 20

What made it possible for Australians to enjoy many government benefits?

18 / 20

Which is Australia's national flower?

19 / 20

What is the House in the Australian Parliament that's also known as Upper House or States' House?

20 / 20

What are the other names of Senate?
