Free Practice Test 3

181 votes, 4.8 avg

Practice Test 3

Total attempts: 116374

Average score: 81%


1 / 20

What is the Rule of Law all about?

2 / 20

Who are the ones maintaining the commonwealth electoral roll?

3 / 20

Why does the power of government come from the Australian people?

4 / 20

_____________ settlement started when the first 11 convict ships arrived?

5 / 20

Where does the power of government come from?

6 / 20

What group of people have old-age traditions and beliefs that are still being practiced to guide them until now?

7 / 20

Who is equal under the law?

8 / 20

What law indicates that no person, group, or religious rule is above the law?

9 / 20

What group of people have a deep connection with their land?

10 / 20

Who is the agency responsible for facilitating federal elections and referendums?

11 / 20

What is compulsory during the Australian elections?

12 / 20

The First Fleet came from?

13 / 20

Who determines our laws?

14 / 20

What happens if you are not correctly enrolled?

15 / 20

What kind of expressions do the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander use to express their deep connection with their land?

16 / 20

Who elects parliament?

17 / 20

What is compulsory in Australia?

18 / 20

How is power given to the government by Australians?

19 / 20

What are the responsibilities of the parliament representatives?

20 / 20

What kind of agency is the Australian Electoral Commission?
