Free Practice Test 2

284 votes, 4.8 avg

Practice Test 2

Total attempts: 129775

Average score: 84%


1 / 20

What type of record indicated the day of their arrival in Australia?

2 / 20

To whom does the power of government come from?

3 / 20

What do Australians share?

4 / 20

At what age are you required to enrol to vote?

5 / 20

Who is protected by the laws and the legal systems?

6 / 20

Who has got the say on how Australia is governed?

7 / 20

Who must recognise the importance of laws and maintaining a peaceful and orderly society?

8 / 20

Where does this law fall under: all Australians and equal in relation to the Law and that no individual or group of people is above the law?

9 / 20

When did the Aboriginal people arrive in Australia?

10 / 20

What is Australia's system of government called?

11 / 20

Who has a say in running the country?

12 / 20

Where does the government power come from?

13 / 20

What elections are you required to vote?

14 / 20

In Australia, to whom do the Australian laws apply?

15 / 20

How do Australians express their support for a person running to a post?

16 / 20

Where do Torres Strait Islander people come from?

17 / 20

Who are the people from islands between the northern tip of Queensland and Papua New Guinea?

18 / 20

Torres Strait Islander people are from islands between the northern tip of Queensland and _____?

19 / 20

What is parliamentary democracy?

20 / 20

What is the name of the Australian's government system?
