Free Practice Test 17

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Practice Test 17

Total attempts: 29311

Average score: 76%


1 / 20

The cultural practice presented by an Aboriginal or the Torres Strait Islander custodian of the local region to welcome the visitors to their traditional land is?

2 / 20

As an Australian citizen, what can you apply for if your child is born overseas?

3 / 20

What is not an example of mateship?

4 / 20

Who performs the Welcome to Country cultural practice?

5 / 20

As an Australian citizen, what can you do in relation to participating in government?

6 / 20

What is compulsory for an Australian citizen?

7 / 20

Who has the power to put the laws into practice?

8 / 20

What is the Parliament made up of?

9 / 20

Which is the capital city of the Northern Territory?

10 / 20

Who are the people under the Executive power?

11 / 20

What amongst the choices are your privilege of being an Australian citizen?

12 / 20

Where is the Parliament House and High Court of Australia located?

13 / 20

Who elects the Parliament?

14 / 20

What is an example of mateship?

15 / 20

What does the tradition of community service and volunteering are for?

16 / 20

What kind of tradition in Australia is influential in the spirit of mateship?

17 / 20

As an Australian citizen, what type of employment can you apply for?

18 / 20

What is the role of executive power?

19 / 20

What kind of tradition focuses on looking out for each other and strengthening the community?

20 / 20

What are the renowned icons and places in Northern Territory?
