Free Practice Test 1

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Practice Test 1

Total attempts: 277737

Average score: 76%


1 / 20

What are the important things you need to understand before and during the citizenship ceremony?

2 / 20

What do you uphold and pledge during the citizenship ceremony?

3 / 20

Who have the oldest and continuous traditions and cultures worldwide?

4 / 20

What heritage does Australia have?

5 / 20

What is central to the Australian community in maintaining a secure, prosperous, and peaceful place to live?

6 / 20

What defines and shape Australia considering many people want to become Australian citizens?

7 / 20

_____ _____ is about living the Australian values in one's everyday life and the local community.

8 / 20

What is this one thing that a person must understand and is expected to respect and uphold?

9 / 20

Who are the first inhabitants of Australia?

10 / 20

During the citizenship ceremony, you pledge to respect what?

11 / 20

During the citizenship ceremony, you take an oath to share what?

12 / 20

The Australia's government system is called what?

13 / 20

When applying for citizenship, what are the things that you must know about the government system?

14 / 20

What do you do during the citizenship ceremony?

15 / 20

What is the basis of Australian values?

16 / 20

To whom do you pledge your loyalty at the citizenship ceremony?

17 / 20

What kind of beliefs does Australia have?

18 / 20

Aboriginal people are from...

19 / 20

What is parliamentary democracy?

20 / 20

What do you do during the citizenship ceremony?
