How to Secure an Australian Citizenship Through Marriage

Through marriage

Australian citizenship by marriage is a common way for individuals to obtain Australian citizenship with not much of an inconvenience. If your partner is an Australian resident, the process of obtaining citizenship status is quite easy since you are affiliated with a citizen of the country.

You may be a foreigner living outside of Australia who wants to obtain Australian citizenship. At the same time, if you meet an Australian who will marry you, you can become a resident of Australia easily.

The migration program of Australia

Visas for a partner or a couple are available if you are interested in the Australian migration process. Visas are a part of Australia’s migration policy wherein the spouses and prospective weddings will be funded by this program by Australian nationals or legal immigrants.

Even the law has become more inclusive for couples of the same sex which means that if you are part of the LGBTQ+, you have the liberty to practice marriage rights and become a resident in Australia.

Criteria for Australian Citizenship by marriage

When it comes to getting the status of residency in Australia, you cannot be assured that you will immediately acquire your citizenship right after the wedding ceremony.

Certainly, like other applications, It is appropriate to follow certain guidelines or fulfil eligibility requirements in order to be sponsored for Australian citizenship by marriage.

After your marriage, you need to provide proof that you and your spouse who is a resident in Australia is living on the same roof. This proof provides evidence that both you and your partner are practising a “married life” in Australia and the resident was not taken advantage of just to obtain citizenship.

If you have acquired a Visa from the Australian Immigration Department and reside in Australia with your partner for a continuous term of two years, the Visa that you have obtained will be automatically turned into a permanent residence visa.

You will be approved as a supported immigrant’s country of origin if a person resides in the same house without intrusion. The Visa serves as evidence that the couple’s marriage is legal and official. However, in order to get proof, you need to have approval from Australian law first.